Thursday, 22 February 2024, 17:30-20:30h, Quartier Zukunft, Friedrichstr. 181, Berlin
The rule of law is a founding value of the European Union. While political debates on how to protect the rule of law in the EU abound, the economic consequences of rule of law breaches are rarely discussed.
The absence of an independent judicial system to curb state influence and prevent corruption might create an unfavourable investment climate in a Member State. This in turn could lead to spillover effects for the EU internal market. Moreover, the EU’s rule of law sanctions, in particular limiting access to EU funding, also have broad economic effects. They can put a country’s currency under pressure and lead to a lack of public investments in necessary transformations. This has effects for other Member States as well, which may impact their stance on how strictly rule of law should be enforced in the EU.
We very much look forward to welcoming you for a discussion of the interplay between the economics and politics of rule of law violations with our high-level guests. Please register here.
17:00h Doors open
17:30h Welcome remarks
- Dr. Johannes Lindner, Co-Director of the Jacques Delors Centre
17:40h Panel discussion with
- Dr. Katarina Barley, Vice-President of the European Parliament and SPD Lead Candidate for the 2024 EU Elections
- Szabolcs Panyi, Investigative Journalist at VSquare.org and Direkt36.hu
- Wolfgang Niedermark, Member of the Executive Board of the Federation of German Industries (BDI)
- Moderated by Dr. Thu Nguyen, Deputy Director of the Jacques Delors Centre
18:30h Q&A session
19:00h Wine reception