Centre news

A portrait of Johannes Lindner by Europe.Table

Johannes Lindner, co-director at the Jacques Delors Centre since October 2022 and Henrik-Enderlein-Fellow of Stiftung Mercator, has been portrayed by Table.media.

Where does he see the role of the Jacques Delors Centre in the current debates? "I find the European dimension of ’Zeitenwende‘ extremely exciting." In the security sector, Johannes Lindner sees most changes happening already in the government’s approach and EU policies, while other areas are still lagging behind. "To accompany this and to formulate a European strategy for ’Zeitenwende‘, that's where I see our role." 

When thinking about key policy fields for the upcoming year(s), Johannes Lindner describes two points he finds particularly interesting: One is how Europe is dealing with the challenges of the climate crisis and energy security. The second is the future of the single market: "Dependence on world trade will not be able to continue in this form without adjustment." 

Finally, looking at his own role and the link between think tank and academic work, he states: "I have a good feeling about what can and cannot work politically. At the ECB over the past ten years, I have seen what is possible when Europe has to act in a crisis and the states all work together."

Read the full portrait here (in German).