Centre news

Jannik Jansen and Nils Redeker present EU voters' climate preferences in Der Spiegel

The green backlash is a myth - climate policy only has to be done right, the new survey by Tarik Abou-Chadi (Oxford University), Markus Kollberg (Humboldt University) and our Policy Fellow and Deputy Director finds.

"In order to reach the EU's climate goals, politicians will have to implement relatively uncomfortable measures as well. Concerning carbon pricing, compensation is key. A progressively designed system would increase the acceptance across the entire political spectrum", Nils Redeker explains the findings in an article in Der Spiegel.

The survey was conducted among 15,000 voters in France, Germany and Poland and tries to shed light on the notion of a "green backlash". It shows that a majority of voters still wishes for a more ambitious climate policy and would support a raft of concrete measures to bring down emissions.

"Parties should not waste the coming months outbidding each other over how to cater to imagined climate fatigue but compete over concrete recipes to green the economy.", the authors of the survey conclude.

You can read the full article here (in German). The policy brief presenting the survey results was published on the same day. In addition, the survey data is made accessible in an interactive dashboard.