This event will take place in German.
EU enlargement is once again a top priority on the European agenda, as is the question of how the EU can ready itself to be a union of 30+ members in the future. In September, the Franco-German expert group, launched in January by the Europe Ministers of both countries, presented its proposals for institutional reforms to prepare the EU for enlargement. On October 6, the issue was discussed by the heads of state and government at the informal European Council. The debate has been in full swing ever since. In this edition of EU to go, Thu Nguyen, Senior Policy Fellow and member of the expert group, and Nicolai von Ondarza, Europe Research Group Leader at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, also a member of the Franco-German expert group, talk about the report and the reactions to their proposals, and look ahead: What's next for the debate on EU enlargement and reform after Granada?
The EU to go format goes as follow: Five slides introduction to the topic and five slides positions and proposals on the focus topic. This will be followed by ten minutes of discussion. At 9 am the event is over after only 30 minutes.
8:30 Introduction to the focus topic
8:40 Positions and proposals on the focus topic
8:50 Question and answer
9:00 Off to the (Home) Office