Before the working day begins, there will once again be a condensed input on a current EU topic. Start the day with us, fresh croissants and coffee. Only in presence, places are limited.
Green transformation, digitalisation, defence, European sovereignty - sooner or later, the debate on many of the European Union's future issues leads to the question of financing. In this context, calls for more ambition in the creation of a Capital Markets Union are becoming increasingly frequent, as was recently the case in Enrico Letta's report on the Single Market. The idea is not new, but since the Juncker Commission presented the first action plan in 2015, the national capital markets in the EU have hardly grown together.
During the EU to go breakfast on 15 May, Johannes Lindner and Sebastian Mack will focus on this potential and explain the idea behind a capital market union, why the project has made little progress so far and what possibilities it offers for financing the tasks of the future.
The format: 20 minutes of brief input followed by ten minutes of discussion. The event ends at 9.00 a.m. after just 30 minutes.
- 8:30 Input
- 8:50 Question and answer
- 9:00 Off to the office