A selection of the many tributes to the life and engagment of our past President.
Since the passing of our past President Henrik Enderlein on 28 May 2021, people from across Europe have commemorated his life in written tributes. We have compiled a small selection for you to read here.
"Hommage à Henrik Enderlein", Jean Pisani-Ferry in Le Grand Continent, 1 June 2021
"Visionär, Europäer, Leader", Mark Hallerberg and Andrea Römmele in Der Tagesspiegel, 31 May 2021
"In Memoriam: Henrik Enderlein", Jacques Delors Centre 28 May 2021
"Europa war seine grosse Leidenschaft", Mark Schieritz in Zeit Online, 29 May 2021
"Henrik Enderlein, économiste et universitaire allemand, est mort", Thomas Wieder in Le Monde, 31 May 2021
"Der Deutsch-Franzose", Cerstin Gammelin in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 29 May 2021
"Der Europäer", Gerald Braunberger in the FAZ, 28 May 2021
"Zum Tod von Henrik Enderlein: ein realistischer Träumer", Gustav Horn in Vorwärts 31 May 2021
Press Release from Michael Müller, Mayor of Berlin, 29 May 2021
"Addio a Henrik Enderlein, infaticabile costruttore di ponti in Europa", Alessio Terzi in Il Foglio, 30 May 2021