The Professor of European Law and Governance will lead the academic arm of the Jacques Delors Centre, contributing to the centre’s research and policy output.
Starting August 2023, Professor Mark Dawson is the new Co-Director of the Jacques Delors Centre, taking over from Professor Markus Jachtenfuchs, who headed the centre’s academic work for five years.
“Interdisciplinary research, in particular between law and political science, is a signature feature of the Jacques Delors Centre,” said Markus Jachtenfuchs. “As a lawyer interested in social science research, Mark Dawson is in a perfect position to strengthen and further develop the law-politics link.”
In his new position as Co-Director, Mark Dawson will have the opportunity to guide the academic arm of the centre, helping to further the goals of the Jacques Delors Centre in tandem with Hertie School professors, post-doctoral researchers, research fellows and PhD students affiliated with the centre.
“I am very honoured to take up this new position and build on the great work of my predecessor, Markus Jachtenfuchs,” said Mark Dawson on the event of his nomination. “The Jacques Delors Centre has become an important hub in Berlin, Germany and Europe for interdisciplinary research and cutting-edge policy work on the EU. Europe is beset by challenges and badly in need of new ideas to meet its democratic, geo-political and economic challenges. I am really excited to work together with Johannes Linder and our incredible team of fellows and researchers in moving the discussion on Europe forward.”
At the Jacques Delors Centre, academic research and policy work go hand in hand, with our think tank and academic researchers working closely together on issues of European policy. In his new role, Mark Dawson will work together with his Co-Director from the think tank side, Dr Johannes Lindner, to lead the centre, creating synergies between academia and the policy world.
“Many thanks to Markus for all his work in leading the centre’s academic research and bringing it together with our think tank work,” Co-Director Johannes Linder said, also extending “a warm welcome to Mark who – with his drive, experience and expertise – will be a great new partner in the leadership team.”
More about our expert
Mark Dawson, Professor of European Law and Governance