On the occasion of the EU summit with the heads of state and government on the competitiveness of the European Union, the Deputy Director of the Jacques Delors Centre explains the EU's shortcomings.
"When it comes to future technologies, the growth engines of the future, Europe is lagging behind the USA and China. And the slowdown in global trade and the huge geopolitical pressure we are seeing is also difficult for Europe to digest."
At the special EU summit in Brussels, competitiveness is the focus subject - not least because of the report by Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute in Paris and former Prime Minister of Italy, which was published on 18 April 2024. ZDFheute asks how the EU can become more competitive and interviews Nils Redeker, Deputy Director of the Jacques Delors Centre.
"Whenever it became specific in terms of implementation, for example with the harmonisation of tax and insolvency law or a common European financial market supervisory authority, the heads of state and government were very reluctant," Redeker explains in the TV interview.
The full report by ZDFheute from 18 April 2024 can be seen here (in German).