The Professor of Public Policy and former Co-Director of the Jacques Delors Centre is one of ten experts to advise the DG GROW on industrial, trade and innovation policy.
Hertie School Professor of Public Policy Anke Hassel has been appointed one of ten experts to support the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) by the European Commission during its 2024 cycle. As part of a four-year programme, the DG GROW elects top economists and academics for a period of one year to advise on its analysis and policymaking in industrial, trade and innovation policy, market integration, and new and emerging issues with relevance to the single market and EU industry.
The DG GROW, one of 33 Directorates-General in the European Commission, focusses on the single market for goods and services and works to strengthen its governance and ensure its openness and resilience for the benefit of European integration. This also encompasses transformative recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and sustaining entrepreneurship and growth, particularly for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), through access to funding and global markets.
As a Fellow Economist of the DG GROW, Hassel will support the work of the European Commission on strategic autonomy, supply chain distress, future-proofing skills, impact investments, alternative business models, purposeful innovation, and the industrial ecosystem approach. Joining her are nine other experts from institutions in eight European countries.
Prof. Hassel, former Co-Director of the Jacques Delors Centre, the think tank on European policies at the Hertie School, specialises in the labour market, social partnerships, co-determination and the comparison of industrialised nations’ political economy. Since January 2019, Anke Hassel has also been a member of the Hightech Forum of the German federal government.
Find out more about the GROW Fellowship Programme.
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