The Jacques Delors Centre provides its PhD students with plenty of opportunity to immerse themselves in a vibrant, supportive, and diverse community of more than 30 researchers at all career stages. Research interests at the Centre cut across disciplinary boundaries and encompass the law, politics, and political economy of European integration. Researchers cover issues as variegated as the EU’s democratic legitimacy, the workings of the Union’s institutions or the integration of core state powers in an era of protracted crises and mounting Euroscepticism. Centre members are equally interested in European law topics, such as the reasoning and political impact of the EU Courts, the constitutional and fundamental rights structure of the EU, and the impact of EU law on policy crises such as in the Euro area, refugee protection or the rule of law. Situated in the heart of Berlin and integrating one of the country’s most renowned think tanks on European affairs, the Jacques Delors Centre also strives to build a bridge into the practice of EU politics. Scholars and practitioners from across the continent regularly visit the Centre, either to present their cutting-edge research at our weekly European Governance Colloquium or for longer research stays. The Jacques Delors Centre might well be the perfect environment to put your PhD project into practice.
We seek candidates with exceptionally strong academic track records. Potential dissertation advisors at the Jacques Delors Centre are Professors Dawson, Enderlein, Hallerberg, Jachtenfuchs and Reh. Please make yourself familiar with their research profile before you apply and mention the name(s) of potential dissertation advisors in your letter of motivation.
As a stipend holder, you are integrated in the Hertie School’s Doctoral Programme in Governance. We offer you close supervision, an individual workplace, access to the Hertie School’s library and research services, and partnerships with leading international institutions in the field. The Hertie School prepares doctoral candidates for academic careers in leading universities or as highly-skilled professionals in government, business, and civil society. Our doctoral education provides rigorous academic training and plenty of opportunities to engage with international experts and scholars. The School’s extensive international network positions it as an ambassador of good governance, characterised by public debate and engagement.
Hertie School’s application portal will accept applications between 1 December 2019 and 31 January 2020. For Information about the required application documents see here. For more information about the doctoral programmes at the Hertie School see here.