Lea Schubert is a doctoral candidate at the Hertie School's Jacques Delors Centre. Her research explores legal accountability for fundamental rights breaches in the context of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy. Lea holds an LLM in Law from the University of Cambridge, as well as an LLB in International and European Law and a BA in International Relations from the University of Groningen. In the past, she has worked in several research-related positions and in the non-profit sector. Her research interests more broadly include the intersection of international and European law in fundamental rights protection as well as the influence of novel or re-emerging threats, including digital technologies and armed conflict, on the development of the EU legal framework.
Main supervisor: Prof. Mark Dawson
Research/Policy Publications
Vols M, Hoogenhout I, Schaetzel M, & Schubert L (2023), ‘The Right to Adequate Housing & BRICS: An Exploratory Comparative Analysis of Brazil, China and Russia’ 11(1) European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 1
Schubert L, Housing Rights as an Avenue to Environmental Protection: The ECtHR Continues its Ef- forts in SOLYANIK v. Russia in M Bruijn & S van Tongeren (eds), Navigating the Right to Housing: Exploring the Complex Landscape of Access, Occupancy and Exit Rights (Eleven 2024)
Schubert L, Doing too much and too little: The CJEU's approach to judicial review of fundamental rights breaches in the CFSP after KD and KS EJIL: Talk!, October 30, 2024