The Jacques Delors Centre offers a Certificate in European Governance for students enrolled in the MPP and MDS programmes at the Hertie School. This Certificate is awarded to students who devote a meaningful portion of their studies to EU-related coursework. The purpose of the certificate is to allow students to demonstrate how their Hertie studies have contributed to their proficiency in understanding the governance of the European Union. To be eligible, students must complete at least two European governance courses and write a master's thesis on a European governance related topic.
To receive the Certificate in European Governance, students must demonstrate that they have completed two EU governance related courses and written their master's thesis* on a EU governance related topic. The master's thesis does not have to be supervised by Centre-affiliated faculty but must pertain to European affairs as defined above. Students are furthermore encouraged to regularly attend the events of the Jacques Delors Centre.
* If you are a dual degree student writing your thesis and/or graduating at a university with a different graduation timeline, you may apply for the Certificate when your final results are available (no later than two weeks after your graduation).
The Certificate in European Governance is open to all students currently enrolled in the MPP and MDS programmes at the Hertie School. Students enrolled in the MIA programme, which already includes a concentration in European governance, are not eligible. The Certificate will be available to students graduating in spring 2025 and beyond.
To be relevant for the Certificate in European Governance, coursework should primarily focus on the Centre’s key topics, including EU politics, EU law and institutions, EU economic, foreign and security policy, and other subjects related to European integration. Courses do not need to be taught by Centre faculty. A list of relevant courses is provided at the beginning of each academic year. If you believe any Hertie courses should be included on the list, please reach out to us.
To apply for the Certificate, please submit the following documents to Doroteja Enceva (Centre Manager of the Jacques Delors Centre) at d.enceva[at]delorscentre[dot]eu by June 30th of your graduating year*:
- A list of relevant courses, including the course number, title, and instructor. Please keep the course syllabi on file in case of any inquiries.
- For courses taken during exchange or dual degree semesters at partner institutions, please include the syllabi.
- Final (or most recent) transcripts showing your final grades for the relevant courses and thesis. Your transcripts must confirm that you have completed and passed all relevant courses and your master’s thesis.
- The title and abstract or executive summary of your master’s thesis.
* Exceptions to the deadline may be possible. Please contact the Centre Manager.
Dual degree and exchange students can also apply for the Certificate:
- Hertie School students who spend an exchange semester elsewhere but complete the rest of their coursework and master's thesis at the Hertie School: Courses taken during the exchange semester may count toward the Certificate.
- Dual degree students who complete either their first or second year at the Hertie School: Courses and master's thesis completed at the partner institution may count toward the Certificate.
Students who spent only one exchange semester at the Hertie School are not eligible for the Certificate. Coursework completed during previous degrees does not count toward the Certificate.
Eligible students must include the course title, description, and syllabi for certificate-relevant courses taken at partner institutions, along with transcripts verifying course completion, in their application.
If you submit a complete application by June 30th following your Hertie School graduation, the Jacques Delors Centre will issue certificates over the summer. For applications submitted at any other time, certificates are typically awarded within 4 weeks of receiving a complete application.
No, certificates issued by the Centre are not formal, accredited documents and therefore do not appear on official graduation records.
No, students pursuing the Certificate do not receive priority in course registration or thesis supervisor allocation. The Centre also cannot guarantee that courses relevant to the Certificate offered in previous years will be available in subsequent years. The Certificate is designed to recognise students who focus on European governance topics in their studies, but it is not a formal degree track.
- The future of Europe (Johannes Lindner)
- The EU in the World (Markus Jachtenfuchs)
- EU Law and Governance (Mark Dawson)
- The European Union, Globalisation and the State (Christine Reh)
- EU Institutions and Politics (Christine Reh and Mark Hallerberg)
- Project course: Influencing Brussels (Christine Reh and Jesse Scott)
- Economic and Financial Governance of the European Union (Johannes Lindner)