Strengthening European security and defence cooperation is one of the EU Global Strategy’s (EUGS) central aims and an area where significant progress has been made in the past two years. The EU activated permanent structured cooperation; set up a European Defence Fund; launched a mechanism for more coordination in national defence planning; strengthened its ability to plan and conduct non-executive missions; and took first steps towards increased financial burden-sharing. A critical review of these five measures suggests that the glass is half full. The foundations of a European Defence Union have been established, but its effectiveness will depend on sustained member state engagement, an increase in ambition, and subsequent compliance.
Details: Brussels, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), July 2018, 6 p. (EU Global Strategy Watch)
This publication is part of the EU Global Strategy Watch, which is a project of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies together with the Istituto Affari Internazionali, with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo – International Affairs Programme, the European Parliament, and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Three issues of the EUGS Watch and one final policy paper will be published within the framework of the project in the coming months.