
Opening Pandora’s Box? Joint Sovereignty and the Rise of EU Agencies with Operational Tasks

In this article, Christian Freudlsperger, Adina Akbik and Marta Migliorati problematise the proliferation of European Union (EU) agencies with operational tasks as a new phenomenon capturing the exercise of joint sovereignty in European integration. While joint decision-making has been a feature of EU politics for decades, joint sovereignty is a broader category that additionally involves the creation of EU bodies able to intervene ‘on the ground’ alongside national public actors. They argue that the choice for joint sovereignty opens a Pandora’s box of implementation deficiencies which undermine the ability of both national and supranational actors to conduct operational activities effectively. They subsequently identify two frequent dysfunctions in policy implementation and connect them to ambiguity and conflict at the decision-making stage. Empirically, they illustrate the systemic link between decision-making and implementation problems in the functioning of two agencies with operational tasks active in the fields of border management (Frontex) and police cooperation (Europol).

Christian Freudlsperger, Adina Akbik and Marta Migliorati, Opening Pandora’s Box? Joint Sovereignty and the Rise of EU Agencies with Operational TasksComparative Political Studies, 2022. 

Image: CC Katerina Pavlyuchkova, Source: Unsplash