Ensuring the security of the European Union is no longer a technical issue requiring bureaucratic adjustments. Together with a return to growth, security is the major political challenge facing Europeans. Instability in neighbouring countries now has profound effects on the entire Union. The task force of the Jacques Delors Institute in Paris calls European capitals to demonstrate the necessary political will to respond to the threats faced.
Jacques Delors served as President to the European Commission and is the founding father of the Jacques Delors Centre.
Dr. Elvire Fabry is Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, formally she was the director of the Fondation pour l’Innovation Politique.
António Vitorino is Director General of the International Organisation for Migration, he formally worked as an EU Commissioner.
Pascal Lamy is the President of the Advisory Board of the Jacques Delors Centre, he formally served as the Director General of the WTO.
Nicole Gnesotto is Vice-President of the Jacques Delors Institute Paris, she formally directed the European Union Institute for Security Studies.
Eneko Landaburu is Member of the Board of Directors of the Jacques Delors Institute, he formally worked in leading positions at the European Commission.
Etienne Davignon is Member of the Board of trustees of the Jacques Delors Institute, he formally worked for the Commission of the European Communities.
Philippe de Schoutheete served as the Belgian Ambassador to the EU and was Senior Fellow at the Egmont Institute.
Elisabeth Guigou is Member of the Board of Directors of the Jacques Delors Institute Paris, she formally held different ministerial posts in the French government.