Please note these events are hosted in German.
How about a short input on EU affairs before you start your working day?
At the European level, Franco-German impulses are in demand, but there is currently a lack of momentum on important issues. At the EU to go on 24 May, we will first look at the national context in France and then move on to the currently difficult issues: energy, trade, fiscal rules and industrial policy. Where do France and Germany stand in the negotiations, and how could they move forward?
Our experts Johannes Lindner, Co-Director of the Jacques Delors Centre, Heidi Bräuer, Project lead of the Pariser Platz Dialogue, and Yann Wernert, Policy Fellow for Franco-German relations, will provide an overview and suggest proposals.
The format: 20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes questions. At 9:00, the event will end after only 30 minutes.
8:30 Presentation of the focus topic
8:50 Question and answer
9:00 Off to the (Home) Office
This EU to go will take place in person only at the Q-Club (Friedrichstraße 181).