Please note these events are hosted in German.
How about a short input on EU affairs before you start your working day?
With Ukraine's candidate status, the issue of EU enlargement is back on the European agenda and so is the question of how an EU with potentially 30+ member states needs to be set up institutionally.
At this EU to go on 19 June 2023, our Senior Policy Fellow Dr. Thu Nguyen, together with Dr. Nicolai von Ondarza, EU Research Group Leader at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, will explain why institutional reforms are needed in the EU and what impact EU enlargement will have on the debate.
The EU to go format goes as follow: Five slides introduction to the topic and five slides positions and proposals on the focus topic. This will be followed by ten minutes of discussion. At 9 am the event is over after only 30 minutes.
8:30 Introduction to the focus topic
8:40 Positions and proposals on the focus topic
8:50 Question and answer
9:00 Off to the Office
This EU to go will take place in person only at the Q-Club (Friedrichstraße 181).