Join us for a discussion on "The transnational politics of emergency" hosted by Jonathan White (LSE) and Christian Kreuder-Sonnen (University of Jena).
Crises and emergencies often provoke political reactions that bend or suspend established norms and rules. While this phenomenon has found constitutional expression in the "state of exception" at the domestic level, contingencies that cross borders, such as the euro crisis or the outbreak of Covid-19, nowadays also incite emergency politics beyond the state. Two new books, "Politics of Last Resort" by Jonathan White and "Emergency Powers of International Organizations" by Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, tackle this development from different angles and provide first insights into the logic, functioning, and institutional as well as normative consequences of exceptional politics at a transnational level. This workshop will focus on debates regarding the democratic implications of European and global emergency politics, possible institutional and constitutional responses to address governance dilemmas in times of crisis, and connections between postnational exceptionalism and the rise of populism and the broader decline of legitimacy of the EU and other international organizations.
- Curtin, Deirdre (European University Institute)
- Della Porta, Donetella (Scuola Normale Superiore Florence)
- Heupel, Monika (University of Bamberg)
- Joerges, Christian (Hertie School)
- Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias (London School of Economics)
- Moser, Carolyn (Max Planck Institute Heidelberg)
- Nicolaïdis, Kalypso (Oxford University)
- Patberg, Markus (Hamburg University)
- Rauh, Christian (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
- Rittberger, Berthold (LMU Munich)
- Séville, Astrid (LMU Munich)
- Steffek, Jens (TU Darmstadt)
Please message Christian (christian.kreuder-sonnen[at]uni-jena[dot]de) or Jonathan (j.p.white[at]lse.ac[dot]uk) if you are interested in this event.