Join Mehreen Khan (Financial Times, EU Correspondent), James Kanter (EU Scream politics podcast, Editor) and Carl Dolan (Open Society European Policy Institute, Deputy Director) for an open, informal discussion on the state of "European Public Space and Media“ with interested Hertie School students, faculty, and researchers. The event is co-moderated by Helena Malikova, Fellow at Hertie School, and Ronny Patz, Senior Lecturer at Hertie School.
If you are interested in attending, please write an email to kwoyila[at]hertie-school[dot]org. Please indicate whether you are a Hertie student, faculty or researcher. Since we only have a limited number of seats to keep the event conversational and to respect COVID rules, spots will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis with a balance between students and staff.
As a brown bag event, participants may bring their own hot drinks and breakfast snacks to have breakfast during the discussions (food and drinks will not be provided).
Please make sure you cancel your registration if you cannot attend after all so that other interested persons can join.