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In an interview with ORF, Yann Wernert speaks about the French governmental and financial crisis

In the ORF programme ‘Fokus Europa’, the expert on Franco-German relations summarises the numerous challenges facing France and explains how they could affect the future of the EU.

‘The greatest political instability in France since the beginning of the 5th Republic.’ - In an interview with Österreichischer Rundfunk, Dr Yann Wernert, Senior Policy Fellow for Franco-German relations, assesses the current situation in France.

A lack of political leadership, high debt levels, a lack of predictability - the challenges for the neighbouring country are currently numerous. In the programme ‘Focus on Europe’, ORF therefore asks: Where is France heading and could the chaos in Paris shake the entire European Union?

Yann Wernert is cautiously optimistic, at least as far as cooperation with Europe is concerned: ‘The crisis will certainly continue for some time, but France could also take on a stronger role again relatively quickly, especially if we have a clear result in the summer elections.’

Watch the full interview here.