In this podcast episode of EU to go, Thu Nguyen talks to Sophia Bachmann and Yann Wernert about the Franco-German cooperation on climate policy
Once a month, our moderator Dr. Thu Nguyen looks at the bigger picture behind EU news with one of our experts from the Jacques Delors Centre. In 20-30 minutes, we talk about the background of a current topic and present concrete ideas for the future.
In the tenth episode, Thu Nguyen talks to Sophia Bachmann, UN Youth Delegate for Sustainable Development and Yann Wernert, our expert on Franco-German relations, about the Franco-German perspective on climate policy. Where do the two countries stand on a path to climate neutrality that leaves no one behind? What can the two countries learn from each other? And where is there potential for increased cooperation to move European climate policy forward towards borderless climate protection?
This episode was organised as part of the event series "Science meets Politics" of the Franco-German Dialogue series and is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.
You can find "EU to go - der Podcast für Europapolitik" on all podcast channels and on YouTube.