Our policy expert analyses the effects of the controversial pension reform on Macron’s political future
In mid-April, the French constitutional court approved Macron’s reforms to the pension system, confirming that they are consistent with the French constitution. These reforms gradually raise the pension age from 62 to 64 and have been extremely controversial in France, sparking mass demonstrations and protests.
In a recent interview with Deutschlandfunk, Policy Fellow Yann Wernert said that despite the uproar, it is not Macron who is “putting his political future at risk”; instead, “the person who is in danger is his Prime Minister” Élisabeth Borne.
While it will not be Macron who could be forced to step down, Wernert argues that Macron will face major challenges moving forward, making it “extremely difficult to shape the remaining years of his mandate.” In addition, Wernert says in the interview that by pushing the reform through, Macron is “playing into right-wing extremists’ hands,” as right-wing parties are using the unpopularity of the reforms to push for a move away from Macron’s centre government.
“Now he stands alone and has to find his own way back into the dialogue” Wernert says of Macron.
Listen to the full interview (in German) here.