In an article in Der Spiegel, Policy Fellow Lucas Rasche speaks on the implications of the change in EU migration policy that has occurred as a result of the millions of refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.
This massive influx, potentially amounting to millions of migrants, has changed EU member state's willingness to take in refugees, with traditionally hard-line states opening their borders and removing hurdles. In addition, the long-discussed Temporary Protection Directive may be activated as early as Thursday, streamlining the asylum process for Ukrainian refugees. This unprecedented willingess to take in refugees and liberalise EU migration policy may indicate a lasting shift in European migration policy. In fact, if the EU activates the Temporary Protection Directive "the issue of redistribution [would be put] back on the table", according to Lucas Rasche. This would be a "strong symbol" for the advancement of the coalition of the states willing to accept refugees.
Read the full article (in German) here.